
  Convoy Codes A listing of all convoy series 1939 - 1945.
  Charted convoy routes Plots of daily positions for 64 selected convoys.
  Convoy Signals Recognized signals that were authorized for use in convoy.
  7 year Calendar Monthly calendars for 1939 - 1945 with lunar phases.
  Sunrise/ Sunset Times of sunrise, sunset, twilight and lunar phases for
1939 - 1945 for any geographical position.
  Distance Calculate distance between 2 points on the earth's surface
  Freetown Entry Sailing Directions for entering Freetown harbour 1942.
new Ebook "The Convoy Goes Through" by Capt. F. H. Shaw.
Published by W. H. Allen & Co. 1942 (64pp).
new Merchant Shipping Movement Cards Quickly find the reference to a particular ship in the National Archives and directly link to the page for ordering on-line.
new Kriegsmarine U-boat Grid Charts Selection of U-boat charts. Requires Flash.

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