Notes to Database of SL and SL/MKS Convoys.
(This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 5 or above)
- Did not sail
I have had to rely on the Commodore (or other officers) ruling through the vessel's name on the port list or crossing out the vessels position on the cruising order. This was not always done so occasionally a vessel is seen to be in two consecutive convoys. Where seen, this has been amended but occurrences still exist in the database and, most likely, the vessel did not sail in the earlier convoy.
- Information shown
Due to space limitations, I have had to restrict the information that is available. In many cases, particularly the earlier records, the information is scant and often handwritten (occasionally in pencil) and difficult to decipher. Should you require more information or clarrification then please email me. Please also let me know of any errors or omissions or any extra data that you have which you think should be added, particularly if you have a photo of any of the vessels lost that are not included.
- Pendant Numbers
These numbers were given to vessels before leaving port and indicate their position in convoy. The first one (or two) numbers denotes the column and the last number denotes the row. For example, Pdt. 112 means that the ship was in column 11 and there was one vessel ahead of it.
- Problems
This site is being continually updated with both new data and corrections (see the home page for the date of the last update). It is, therefore, a good idea occasionally to delete the temporary Internet files in the browser's cache or to reload the page to ensure that you are seeing the latest pages. This is particularly important if you are using the search engine otherwise, it may not search the latest updates. Also, if you have a browser add-on to prevent advertising pop-up windows from displaying then you may need to turn it off to view the additional information on vessels lost from convoy etc. Note that the pop-up windows on this site are self closing.
I hope that you find this site useful.
Mike Holdoway